Alinta's Cyberpoetry blog

Friday, August 18, 2006

narrator art

I have been playing with Narrator on the computer and have made a few short things that I enjoy hearing it say. I have also tried to download a box to load the text in to (as we were talking about in class) but the downloads have always rendered unsuccessful or something and keep saying that there are errors :s

the first narrator poem is about love. but to listen to it you have to turn down the pitch of 'Sam narrator' to the slowest it will go (number 1), as i've found this makes it sound drunk. this is the line i feed into it:

"love me love me i want you to love me love me so much backspace backspace lovovovovovovovovovove mmmmm i said love me love me i want you to love me love me so much mmmmmmmmmmmm backspace editable edit editit editedi editable editablelele backspace backspace backspace backspace editiblelelelelelelel"

I guess it is obviously about saying things and then trying to change what you said by editing it.

The other one that i made should be listened to at the normal microsoft Sam speed of 5, and it about art:

"art arty tarty arttart art tart atreeee arty arty tarty tartarararararararty tart tart tart tart weeb tart web webtart web art webtartartart webt webt webt art weeb tart weeb tart"

the 'weeb' came about because i didn't like the way narrator pronounced 'web' however 'weeb' doesn't sound correct either but it still works well for the piece.

Note that these may not be completely correct to how i wrote them because i did not copy and paste them but wrote them out as i am on a different computer so for example i may have got the number of m's in 'mmmmmmmmmmmmm' wrong.


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