Alinta's Cyberpoetry blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The official coolest noise to make with speaksonia is…


Derderder would like to thank the panel of judges who consisted of… Alinta.

After hearing about Kerrie’s final 5 projects in class yesterday (among other things) and hearing about how all five tied in together, I realise I hadn't fashioned any sort of clever tie like this in my own works. However so far I have made two (ok ok 1 and a half) and they both include a central image which is made of a video of me doing strange bodily movements. Thus far this would be the tie between them (I know I don’t haaave to make them tie in together but still). So the tie is something of the corporeal. Both pieces so far look at the way in which the body moves as totally independent from any other kind of theoretical thought (the corporeal differentiated from the ‘identity’ or the ‘person’). So far one looks at the elbow, and this next one I am working on focuses intently on the shoulders. Not only is the video of the shoulders seen from behind but the overlayed sound is make in speaksonia out of the word ‘shoulder’ (and THIS is where I found out the ever so lovely sound ‘derderder’) however I can’t think of a clever way to include the text ‘shoulder’ without it getting boring. I also want to make it look a bit different from the elbow one because it seems to be heading in a very similar direction. Is this such a bad thing? I don’t know. I was thinking of making a cool thing out of ‘shoulder’ in that swish program but yesterday I couldn’t find anything that I thought would suit my shoulder page. I’m thinking of having the word and little phrases flashing up on the screen, non-interactively (unlike the interactive poem in the elbow piece which I believe is entitled arm1.html? or something with arm in it.) This way I can govern exactly when each line can be read, and I want them to flash on and off the screen rather rapidly so people have to stay on the page longer to get a better look. However as it is, without even any words on it yet, I enjoy watching it for a long time as there are already some entertaining elements for the viewer. I’d have to say the thing that keeps me the longest is the sounds. I’ve made it overlap towards the end but if you listen closely you can still hear the ending of the sound clip which is my favourite part (however I still chose to overlap the looping because it sounds better with a bit of build up of sound) this is the same with the video clip which is also fun to look at as I have put it over itself a few times so it too overlaps and looks like my shoulders are crazy! There are also swirling whirlwinds on either side of the picture that overlap the videoclip nicely. They were very hard to make seeing as my mouse on this computer doesn’t work. I guess there is a theme running though this of things overlapping and more importantly – going around in circles as the shoulders are doing in the clip. In this way all the technicalities echo the corporeal movement.

The creepiest part is… that the speaksonia voice is meant to be FEMALE!!

I have also made smaller ‘derderder’ sounds that I plan to use for buttons… but it make have to be for a different page as it would conflict with the main sound running over the top. I really like these button sounds as it sounds like the speaksonia “lady” is singing a song – it’s some of the closest stuff I’ve got to actually making it sing (as I was trying to do at the start with putting the laurie anderson and other’s songs into it). So look out for derderder buttons in the future (perhaps in the other three works I have yet to make).

Well it’s not that I have fully yet to make them. I already have basic layouts for at least two other pieces. When I say basic layout I mean I took all the body footage at the same time so I already have that and I have used windows movie maker on some of them to make some creepy effects. I have also already imported some onto blank flash pages but I don’t know if I will use them yet – dunno if I like them enough. So far I think I have already used my two favourites.

So now that I think about it, there is actually a lot that can tie them all in together... so in the process of writing this blog I have basically come to realise that this blog is rather pointless...

I have been bringing the Gerty Stein book to class now to give back for the past two weeks and I KEEP FORGETTING so this is a not to self that I must remember to give it back. That will be one less book in my bag.


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