Alinta's Cyberpoetry blog

Friday, September 08, 2006

I haven't blogged for more than a week now but I really don't have much to say because I am working in my assignment and I don't want to repeat practically my whole assignment in ehre because that won't be fun.

I got a book out from the library today that looks interesting in relation to this course. It is
Featherstone, Mike and Burrows, Roger (ed). Cyberspace Cyberbodies Cyberpunk 1995. I wanted to get it because I like to play with notions of the body in my works, and perhaps this text will support some of the things I plan to create (when I actually think of them) I can't use it for my essay however because I don't think it is really connected to it. But I haven't looked at it properly enough yet to know.

I'm still playing with speaksonia. But now i'm getting sentimental and sad about it and using it to do interesting things with existing song lyrics from sad songs. It's very interesting to try and make the speaksonia person display emotions, which i think is what i have been doing since the first time i played with narrator by making it sound drunk. but the interesting thing is that is still soungs a lot like a song, the speaksonia person literally sings it, given the right words. Songs I have put into speaksonia...

Laurie Anderson - Oh Superman (this one sounds crazy! I had to fix it up myself because all the 'huh's were taken out of the lyrics that i got off the net. so i have changed it around to make it sound as much like the song as possible. it's interesting because in the song Laurie, at one point, talks like she is an automated message machine and when spoeaksonia does that line it doesn't EXACTLY THE SAME it's great. but it took forever to make, i could make it even better but i'm over it now.)
Lior - This Old Love (also used this one in a pic texter pic tonight. one of the most often said words in this song is 'we'll' which speaksonia cannot say, which is funny)
James Blunt - High

Argh they sound great! I even sent one to someone as a wave file over msn!


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