Alinta's Cyberpoetry blog

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am hiding in a maths lab

i am currently hiding in an empty maths lab at the uni. funnily enough on the board are words like 'discourse' and 'ideology'

and i thought to myself

artists have been here.

This however, is not the main focus of the story.

I came here looking for a spare computer, and here I found the rejects from last years crop. This is G31. The maths lab is twice as big as any classroom I have been in before at university level, and it has two long sets of tables running parallel to each other like a shithouse Griffith version of a Hogwarts dining room.

I am here to upload my essay onto the server which I could not seem to access from home. After sending a panicked email to big K last night because my attitude got the better of me when all the smart people were writing down how to get into filezilla, I tried to access my student email this morning to see if he had replied, only to find that it did not seem to be working. I asked the lady in the library what could possibly be going wrong and she advised that I switch to another computer (as I type this what looks to be a tutor has come into this room *panic*), then two minutes later told me that she had just found out that the student email was 'down'. Realising that as I was the first to notice, the email probably only went down about two minutes before I tried to check it.

And I thought

just my luck.

I have tried here unsuccessfully a few times to open the server, my 2173118 being 'denied access' for some reason. but then that attitude of mine from earlier, thankfully, returned, and with one slight change (not sure what I even did, exactly, maybe it was putting an s infront of 2173118 or something totally KNOBHEADED) it let me in.

So this blog is confirmation that I have 'successfully' submitted my essay on time yay! please read the text document before looking at it, if it has even uploaded itself at all.

(just before i write this sentance the maths tutor came up to me and asked if i was a student, I graciously said I would be leaving shortly, to which she said that she was actually having trouble loging in to her account, and could she log into mine so that she could mark an assignment... so if all my work goes missing I blame the maths lady/computer hacker.

"i'll just sign you out when I'm done"

I hope so.

She looks so elderly and innocent... hmmm.)

Again, hope you can see my work properly. signing off and over to maths woman.


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